That first goal when opening a small business is basically the same for everyone – creating a brand that will lead that first wave of consumers straight to your homepage and convert them. For those entrepreneurs that opened up their small businesses 15+ years ago, the solutions were simple enough – focus all efforts on traditional marketing channels. Printing ads, running commercials, handing out business cards and promotional pamphlets. We still see companies doing that. However, starting that small business on the right track is no longer as simple as it once used to be. And yet, there is a much more efficient way to do it – through the implementation of professional digital marketing solutions.
Digital marketing has become the foundation on which modern small business owners build their presence and establish their footing in their communities and niches. But why is this so – what makes having a well-developed digital marketing strategy so important today? We will answer 5 fundamental questions in hopes of preventing you from disregarding the impact digital advertising can have on the development of your company:
Growing your small business is a simple matter of finding the best approach to do so.
What is Digital Marketing – how does one define it today?

Digital Marketing presents the act of advertising and selling products/services through the use of online marketing strategies and channels.
As a concept, it encompasses all promotional efforts that are focused on the use of search engines, social media platforms, email marketing, website optimization, and mobile advertising – all with the goal of attracting target audiences and establishing your brand online. However, given the age we live in today, digital marketing has become the very definition and equivalent of marketing. It has become the primary medium when it comes to promoting your business and the offer it has to consumers everywhere.
Why is online marketing so relevant today?
Basically, it comes down to the same approach that you would have with traditional marketing objectives. You will want to identify your target audience and point your online advertising efforts toward establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with them. Whether they are consumers, leads, or prospects – the focus remains unchanged whereas the channels for reaching those audiences have been digitalized.
People on laptops and phones.
More and more consumers today come through online marketing channels.
For example, consider the most recent purchase you made, whether it was a new mobile phone, a brand new home, or perhaps a professional moving service.
The fact is that roughly 87% of consumers start their shopping decisions online. And so – having you small company pop up on those online search results, social media channels, email marketing campaigns, etc. has become a necessity of doing business.
What is the best way for a small business owner to choose the right digital marketing strategy?
Yes – there are different approaches that a small business can take when it comes to promoting its offers online. However, the key isn’t in choosing a single tactic and following it blindly. Instead, you need to make the perfect combination of different action plans to make a more significant impact:
Lay the foundation for your digital marketing efforts early on by creating a strong and easily recognizable brand for your small business.
- Design and develop your company website in accordance with modern expectations and web standards. Focus on ensuring user experience for both desktop and mobile users, with fast loading pages and clear Calls to Action (CTAs).
- Implement the creation of engaging content that will appeal to your target audience. Consider what their problems are and provide them with clear and useful guidelines on how best to overcome those obstacles.
- Create a clear and detailed social media marketing strategy that will offer practical information and advice. These would be short posts that potential clients would be motivated to share with friends and followers.
- Use the principles of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to make your online content uphold search engine standards. By doing this, you can secure those top search results for your web pages and blog posts.
- Promote your offers further through the introduction of paid advertising (PPC) solutions. Ensure that your ads are always visible to potential customers.
- Incorporate a well-placed and timely email marketing campaign to follow-up with your audience. That way, you can maintain a mutually beneficial long-term relationship with online users.
It comes down to piecing together a puzzle that presents all that you want your business to promote online. And once you successfully do that, you will secure an efficient and self-sustainable online marketing system. Sure, building that entire system from an idea might seem intimidating enough, but it doesn’t need to be. All you really need is a professional insight into the inner workings and relevance of digital marketing today.